Tuesday, January 27, 2009

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil..

I finally got to see the final round of the 50th Bob Hope Classic this afternoon. I know it's been like two days right..?! I DVR'd it (..mine's not a TiVo) and was fast forwarding through to all the good parts. I, like many of you, were hoping for a tight 3-way play-off right with Pat Perez, Steve Stricker and John Merrick (who's that..?)

It looked pretty tight until Stricker had that devastating blow out on the 10th hole tee box. I was keeping an eye on Merrick, but he just lacks "being there" to keep it under wraps. I would say he was trying to just keep pace with Perez, but I'd say the lack of experience and keeping cool got the better of him. Perez wasn't any better than these three, BUT was cool under pressure and that laser on the 18th was the nail in the coffin.

BUT..what I kept replaying the most was Pat Perez's second shot at the 15th hole, Par 3. When I saw it for the first time I was like "What the..?"..did that just happen? I've been searching numerous golf forums and there seems to be alot of discussion about this particular incident, particularly at The Golf Channel Discussion Board. (search the "Rules and Rulings" forum and it's the "Pat Perexzs chip shot on 15th hole" thread) - sorry I'm not able to direct link as The Golf Channel seems to be hiding the url. Alot of good info. on this though.

Here's the shot in question:

From what I've been reading, as long as the ball returns to the place of rest then we're kosher. My other question though is isn't he improving his lie when he taps/pushes down the grass before the ball. Something doesn't seem right?

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