I know it's been a very long time since I put something up. In all honesty, I have not been playing any golf lately as I've been "distracted" by another endeavor..photography. Actually, the two share similar concepts, which I can see why golfers could be drawn to photography:
- The equipment doesn't matter, it's the indian not the arrow. Whether you have a point and shoot or a $50,000 Phase One (Google it..), it's all about course management..or in this case, composition. You create the "shot", not the equipment.
- There's numerous ways to make a "shot". Like golf where you can hit multiple shots with one iron, the same goes with photography. You have multiple ways to control your aperture, shutter, ISO which will in the end give you thousands of ways to make the "shot" that is needed at the moment.
- They are both an expensive hobby, unless you are sponsored or get paid..right? My current camera (body alone) was $900 at the time I purchased it. This is not to include lenses, gear, etc. which can easily take you over the cost of multiple golf sets.
- Photographers (like golfers) are gear-hounds. We're always looking for the latest, newest, thing and then begins the drooling.
- You have to be dedicated and disciplined to advance to the next level. Whether it's beating balls at the range or driving out and finding interesting places to take photos. You need to get out and commit yourself if you want to improve. There's no easy way to get better.
As you can see, it's quite possible why we like photography and wouldn't surprise me if I was to ask the group in front of us, at the next round, how many have a DSLR. I'm sure I'd get a few hands that go up.
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