That's what I shot at Skylinks yesterday..and I am more than excited..still. It's quite weird the type of chemicals that get released into our brains when we shoot a score that we like. I'm still giddy about it. On the flip-side, for me, when I shoot a bad round I get bummed out and it does affect me for the rest of the day.
I see it this way, I'm spending close to 4-5 hours out there playing a round and as a result of spending this time out there I DO expect, of myself, to show for it. For me these "results" is a round in the 80's. I, and the rest of you who may be reading this, take golf a tad more seriously than "just having a good time". I'm not out there flipping clubs of course on errant shots, but I'm going to try my hardest to save par/bogey..I just may not be "showing" it to you.
Anyway, I have to agree that when you take time away from the game your swing "resets" and your mental aspect of the game gets "cleansed" bad thoughts. I have also been toying with my swing and tried something "new" a couple weeks ago.
I started to take my swing back on a shallower plane, which I thought it felt like, and I was hitting the ball the best I've ever had in my life. The consistency of making solid impact was the first thing I noticed and then distance. I played with a buddy of mine yesterday and I asked him to really watch me and see if I was too shallow..which it still felt like. He said he has never seen me on this consistent plane ever before AND that the swing was not shallow. This was it!
My biggest swing inconsistency contributor has been my right arm (righty) on the backswing. I've been under the impression that you wanted that classic "L" at the top. I said screw it, because it's another thing I have to remember to do. I just let my right arm stay relaxed and it's just sitting lower at my side..there's no active effort to control it. BINGO! All I think about now is the downswing..what a relief!
The last two times I've played with this "new" swing I have only missed four fairways..and not by was either a weak push or a low hook..none which were at all damaging to the hole at hand. I've actually gotten a "tad" confident where I'm stepping on it a little bit more to get a little more out of certain times.
Anyway, to get back to my 88. I'm on the 18th hole, I drove it into a bunker and had to chip out, and was lying 4 on the green. I quickly added the score and I needed at least a double to break 90. The putt was about 10 feet out, downslope, with a slight downward break, right-left, and it was playing fast..not fun. I got up there and and took the putt and it was moving at a perfect speed..and went in..I haven't felt the warmth of golf happiness in awhile.
I hear you on the chemical thing.
When I'm "in contention" in local amateur tournaments, I feel like I've just had about 43 shots of espresso. What chemical is that and how does one counteract it?
hmm..I don't know if you want to counteract it if it's working for ya..nothing like a natural high right?
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