A belated post but didn't play last Saturday. I was planning on it but then my wife hit me with a massive "honey-do" list which included removing old shower caulk and replacing it..thought about playing the whole time by the way..ugh. Anyway..not sure if I'll be playing next week either because we're on going to San Diego for Memorial Day weekend..and pretty sure my clubs won't get to ride in the back of the Sienna. I'm off on Monday so I'll be getting a round in then most likely anyhow. I'm happy though since I got to see Lumpy win.
BTW: I put up a new SOTW..never heard his version of it..I like it though.
thats the worse having to do some long chore only to think about golfing all day. It makes doing whatever you're doing so much longer and unenjoyable.
yeah..but even if I wasn't thinking about golf re-caulking is the pits..that old stuff is nasty stinky.
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