I'm not sure how many of you incorporate some extra physical fitness into your golf routine but I've been an avid runner for almost a year now. What brought this on you say? Well, about a year ago, I noticed that toward the end of my golf round I would get fatigued and sometimes get cramps in my calves. It probably didn't help the fact that I'm a walker and never ride unless the course mandates it. I also felt that I was developing a slight midsection, not a 6-pack, but the other way.
At that time I was about 180 lbs, I'm 5'9", and felt a little sluggish also. I decided to take up running and I absolutely hated, WITH A PASSION, running. I was the person, after the first couple laps, that would get tired and depressed and stopped..eventually. I then told myself that I'm going to beat this and take it seriously.
Preface: I used to weigh over 200 lbs. in college and got down to 155 lbs. when I graduated. I was one of those that saw the physical fitness "light" and just changed my whole lifestyle. I ate nothing but salads and NO fast-food for a year and in addition to all this I seriously worked out, mainly cardio stuff, for about 3 hours every night. WHY?!?! you ask, I was training to be a firefighter and knew there were some serious physical fitness tests up ahead.
Last May, 2005, I ran in my first competitive run. It was actually termed a "FUN RUN"..an oxymoron..but turned out rather competitive. It was actually longer than a 5K, 4 miles to be exact, that started in the Gaslamp District in San Diego and went over the Coronado Bridge and finished at the nearby park. I placed 22 out of 44 people in my age class (34), 30-35, with a time of 41:21, not the fastest but not the last either..a true "midpacker".
I really do believe running has helped my golf game also. I am definitely in better physical fitness, but besides that I feel more alert and aware of my game. I no longer experience those nasty cramps in my calves either.
Lately, I haven't ran due to what I felt was a sore hip after my last, and final time, walking a full round with my bag. I ran just a little while ago, about 2 weeks off since, and felt really good. I started REALLY slow but ended up finishing 4 miles easy. My normal run, 3 times a week, is 3 miles. I'm currently debating/training to run the Seal Beach 5K/10K in April.
I'm confident I can blast the 5K but have been seriously contemplating doing the 10K. My goal is to do a marathon..someday. I really tried to test myself and do 6 miles today, about a 10K distance, but my legs started to get tired and heavy. Physically, my breathing and pace were great and everything was working good, no pain, but my legs started to poop out on me after the 4th mile so I stopped.
The furthest I've ran is 5 miles and I'm sure if I train for it I'll be 10K ready by April, but maybe I'll just work on kicking some 5K butt instead. What's weird is, like my golf game, I usually do much better after I lay off awhile and come back..thus my golfing and running relationship.